EditPad Lite is free for personal use only. If you use EditPad Lite at home or at school for purposes that don’t generate money, you can download the free version of EditPad Lite without any kind of payment or registration.
Download EditPad Lite (18 MB). Version 8.5.3, released 4 November 2024. EditPad Lite 8 requires Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, or 11.
The above link is for the English version of EditPad Lite. other language editions can be downloaded separately.
If you have purchased a license to EditPad Lite, you can download your licensed copy of the latest version by typing in your email address and EditPad Lite user ID below. If you lost your user ID, type in your email address and leave the user ID field blank. You will then receive an email message with your user ID.
The licensed version of EditPad Lite will show that it is licensed in the About box. It also provides access to the EditPad Lite forum where you can request technical support. To access the forum, run your licensed copy of EditPad Lite and select Help|Forum in the menu.
The above form serves the regular English version of EditPad Lite. The other language editions can be downloaded separately. All EditPad Lite 8.x.x licenses are valid for all language editions. You can download all editions with the same EditPad Lite user ID.